The "bundle" Element (Root Element)

The bundle element serves as the root element of the bundle descriptor. It contains the actual meta-information for the bundle. This includes:

Table 2.1. Immediate children of the "bundle" element


Bundle descriptor


the bundle name



the bundle description



the bundle's symbolic name



the bundle category




You'll note the absence of an element for the version number. The Bundle-Version is usually expected to be set within the Apache Ant build script as part of a manifest attribute.

The "headers" Element

The headers element allows to directly specify a number of manifest headers.


It is theoretically possible to generate, for example, the Bundle-SymbolicName header here, but there is no guarantee which value will prevail if it collides with the symbolic-name element from above.

The headers element takes one or more header elements. Each element takes a mandatory name attribute. The text value is provided as the element's content.

Example 2.1. Header example

<bundle xmlns="">
    <header name="Bundle-Activator"></header>
    <header name="Bundle-Vendor">Jeremias Märki</header>
    <header name="Service-Component">OSGI-INF/configurator.xml</header>

The "exports" Element

The exports element allows to directly specify a number of packages to be exported.

The exports element takes one or more exportelements. The package name is provided as the element's content. To export a package including all subpackages, you may use a "*" as a wildcard.

Each export element takes an optional version attribute to override the version specified by the Bundle-Version header. If the version attribute is absent, each package export will have the bundle's version added as the exported version. All exported bundles will also automatically be imported with the same version number. This is in line with OSGi best practice.

Example 2.2. Export example

<bundle xmlns="">
    <!-- ...or ... -->

The "imports" Element

The imports element allows to directly specify a number of packages to be imported. Normally, the bundle utility will automatically determine all required imports through byte code analysis but sometimes it's necessary to add directives or attributes to the import, for example, if you need optional resolution for some packages.

The imports element takes one or more import elements. The package name is provided in the required match attribute. To match multiple packages at one you may use "*" as a wildcard. The directives an attributes will then be applied to all these matching packages.

Normally, only imports that have been identified by byte code analysis are matched with the above mechanism. If you want to explicitely import a package, you can use the add attribute. The datatype here is xsd:boolean and the default is false for this attribute. The wildcard ("*") is not allowed if add="true".

Example 2.3. Import example

<bundle xmlns="">
    <import match="*">
      <directive name="resolution">optional</directive> 
    <import match="com.acme.something" add="true">
      <attribute name="looney">true</attribute>