Two days with buzzing activity. Interesting talks. Lots of FOSS projects presenting themselves. Free food, drinks and admission. On Wednesday evening Google sponsored a social event with food, drinks and lightning talks. LiSoG and /ch/open offered delicious cocktails under free license on Thursday. Ever present was the organic FreeBeer by project21 (it comes at a price but the recipe is under the Creative Commons License Attribution Share-Alike).
It’s unbelievable what these guys put together. Sometimes I had the impression that there was more interest in the OpenExpo than in the larger TopSoft that was held right beside the OpenExpo in the same hall.
For the ASF, Andreas Hartmann presented Lenya, Christian Geisert presented OfBiz and I FOP. On Thursday, I held a presentation on FOP and I was happy to have an almost full room. Many people indicated that they didn’t know FOP, yet. So, this was a really good opportunity to do a little promotion.
I had a nice long talk with Andreas Vox from the Scribus team about layout. It was interesting to learn how Scribus does line-breaking compared to FOP.
More photos should be available on the OpenExpo site shortly along with the presentations (videos plus slides).