Blog Archives

So Mars is now called PDFXML

Matthew Hardy announced a new prerelease of the PDFXML Plug-in für Adobe Acrobat 9. PDFXML used to be called Mars and is a XML-friendly representation of PDF (borrowing heavily on SVG). Now only the project itself is still called Mars.

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5-minute breaks in Balconia

The Clematis on my balcony is in full bloom again. In the background, mount Pilatus still has a little bit of snow. But it’s getting less every day. On days like today, it is really hard after a 5-minute break

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Travelling to ApacheCon – something’s wrong

I’ve been to Amsterdam a number of times and will go there again for ApacheCon EU 2008. I always took the train or night train. So, nine days before departure I look again into the best way to get there

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Still waiting for the perfect notebook…

I’ve got a 4 year old IBM ThinkPad X31 which served me very well. But it’s time now for a new notebook. I want something as small as my X31. It should be affordable but ideally have a better display.

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OpenExpo in Berne, Switzerland

Various open source projects will be represented at the OpenExpo in Berne (12./13. March 2008), among them the Apache projects FOP, Lenya and OfBiz. It’s a good opportunity to get in touch with people from the respective project teams and

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XMLizing PDF

PDF has been around for some time and is widely used. Lately, with buying Macromedia, Adobe’s strategy towards PDF changes more and more, and IMO not in a good direction. The „open“ standard is gradually closed down as Adobe adds

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Oh no, yet another blog…

Yeah, I know. I hope I’ll have something worth reading from time to time. We’ll see…

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This is the weblog of Jeremias Märki.

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