jaxg 0.1dev

Interface XGProcessorHandler

All Superinterfaces:

public interface XGProcessorHandler
extends org.xml.sax.ContentHandler

The XGProcessorHandler is the equivalent of the JAXP TransformerHandler. For FO processing you will mostly use this interface as it integrates nicely into the SAX-oriented JAXP pattern.

An example:

 //Set up the XGProcessor
 XGProcessorFactory factory = new SomeXGProcessorFactory();
 XGProcessorHandler xgHandler = factory.newXGProcessorHandler();
 //Set up the source, target and XSLT stylesheet      
 Source src = new StreamSource(new File("C:/temp/data.xml"));
 Source xslt = new StreamSource(new File("C:/temp/convert.xsl"));
 XGResult pdf = new StreamXGResult("application/pdf", 
         new File("C:/temp/out.pdf"));
 //Setup the JAXP Transformer      
 TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
 Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer(xslt);
 //This links the SAX output from the XSLT stage to the input of the FO stage
 Result res = new SAXResult(xgHandler);
 //Start the processing run
 transformer.transform(src, res);

Jeremias Maerki

Method Summary
 XGProcessor getXGProcessor()
 void setResult(XGResult result)
Methods inherited from interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
characters, endDocument, endElement, endPrefixMapping, ignorableWhitespace, processingInstruction, setDocumentLocator, skippedEntity, startDocument, startElement, startPrefixMapping

Method Detail


void setResult(XGResult result)


XGProcessor getXGProcessor()

jaxg 0.1dev

Copyright © 2004-2005 Jeremias Märki. All rights reserved.